So I have found that, as a gamer girl (and not a really ugly one---something a friend commented on), I am something of a rare species. But, instead of getting shown off and flaunted over...guys are terrified and mistrusting of us~!!! Why is that?
Actually, it's quite a simple matter...and one that I have been wanting to discuss for some time.
Fact-of-the-matter is that guys are intimdated by gamer girls. Guys always have this idea of a socialistic 'norm' implanted in the brain...while they may be more 'up-to-speed' than their fathers and grandfathers, still there will always be that piece of a man which claims superiority over women...and a piece of them that thinks that there are just some things that women should not be interested in and that women should NOT do...gaming is one of them.
Men always complain because their g/f's do not want anything to do with their gaming habits, and they are always arguing because the girl feels neglected by the common man who just wants to sit down and play Call of Duty.
But the minute the gamer girl steps in, the man's world is flipped upside down as he is beaten, shot, and killed, time-and-time again by the girl who should be sitting on the couch and painting her nails. Then he whines because he lost to a woman! WTF?! Am I not making any sense? Am I the only one who has witnessed this?!
Now I can understand why guys are weary of women when it comes to things such as online MMORPG's (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games). The thing is...when it comes to MMO's such as Guild Wars, and World of Warcraft a lot of the female players (as I have figured it out) are actually men!
Yup. It's true.
Because companies such as NCSoft and Blizzard add such sex appeal to their female characters, men design female players to watch them bounce around the screens in slutty clothing as they go through and slaughter things. It's a major turn-on to them. Also, a smart man can easily use a female character to manipulate a male character into doing their bidding (because the other player has no way of knowing that they are servicing the same sex).
But the funny thing that a man can easily play a female character and NOT have his sexuality questioned. But if a woman (gamer girl) plays a male character...suddenly, she is dubbed a 'lesbian', and all hell breaks loose (as now a major social issue has become involved).
I may be a lesbian...and I do have male characters, but those are used as tools in fan fictions and roleplays between my best friend and I (who is straight and who has a b/f). And there are plenty of other straight girls out there that have male characters as well.
Which just goes to show that women will always be more open-minded than men ;P
Anyways...that was my introduction to this gaming blog. Hope you enjoyed it!
- Things to Expect for this blog in the Future:
---Discussion of Different Video Games.
---Video Game Conspiracies
---Video Game Cheats
---Video Game Ratings/Complaints/Compliments
---Personal Experiences while gaming.
So sit back and flip through the pages...
[!NEW!] I have started to go through my older posts on here, and not only fix those awful spelling errors, but, I have also started adding pictures to the blogs to give them more appeal! I hope this helps~!!!