So I make it sound like an insult that my roommate and ex (who I will just call Taz) is that of the non-gaming type. But that is not at-all true...though I do have a point to prove with it.
Actually, when Tasmara and I first got together, she made it clear that she wasn't much into gaming. As a kid she had played Mario, Donkey-Kong, and old-school things like that...but she wasn't much into the new things such as Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, or any such type of PC game (especially those of the MMORPG sort).
So for the longest time, I had to restrict my gaming times to periods when the two of us were not spending time together. I would go months without logging into my Guild Wars account, and this led to countless things. I had gotten behind on events, and I even lost the majority of my Guild members.
But now I am getting off track.
Well, I had gotten my ex into the movie series known as SAW (awhile back). She was so addicted to the series that she even wanted me to go out and buy her, her own DVD collection even though I owned all of the ones up to date. So naturally, when she found out that they had a video game out for the PS3...Taz had to have it.
To make a long story-short...I bought her the game, we began to play it, and that led to a whole bunch of other events which would start to make her into something of an avid player.
As it came to we got farther and farther into the SAW game, that, I was asking Taz what she would do once we beat the game and it's sequel. "I will probably stop playing." she said. And that's when the hunt for a new game began. Because she liked old-school games, we started with the N64---buying the fun family games such as Mario Party and smaller games like Yoshi's Story.
It was my 'video-game-diet'...something where you start out with the simple games and then move on to things more advanced.
Because, since Taz was never big into video games, she sometimes lacked what is called 'video game common sense'. Naturally, in a mystery game, you're going to want to look around for clues. In a horror game, you want to take things slow and not run through an area in case their are enemies or traps. If there are signs that give you game tips and will want to stop and take the time to read them, else you might miss something important.
Taz may not be stupid...but sometimes she had the tendency to lack such a common sense in video games, and it often got her frustrated to the point where she did not want to play anymore. So starting her on simple games with simple controls and simple rules...that would be the best way to prepare her for the things more advanced.
Well, while in disc replay, I had picked up the game known as BULLY (by IGN and Rockstar Studios). it was a PS2 classic, re-released on PC and Xbox360 because it was so popular. I had heard of it, but alas, I had never played it. Well, after telling Taz that I would have liked to try the game...she bought it for me, and we took it home. After buying games from a used-game place, we always try out the product. So after popping in BULLY, I was so ready to play...but then a message came up and told me that I did not have enough memory left to save any of the data I would collect.
I did not see the point in playing a game that I would just have to start over, so I put the controller down and told Taz that I wasn't going to play it. That's when she picked up the controller.
Next thing I know, she is kicking the crap out of three virtual school boys that had been making fun of her character because he was the new kid. Then there was a prefect that pinned her down and busted her for causing violence on school campus. Taz was so mad that she had been caught and the other boys hadn't, and she was acting like the situation was more than just a video game.
I knew then...that I had created a monster.
To make a long story short...this used-to-be-non-gamer will now spend 3-4 hours at a time playing BULLY. And she is already halfway through the game. And while it was bought for me...I have only touched the controller a total of 5 times and the only help I give her is generally some verbal advice while I watch her play from the sidelines.
Now she is complaining that there is no BULLY II and seems to have totally forgotten the 30 dollar SAW game that I bought her oh-so-long ago.
Now if only I could get her that excited about spending some time with me ;)