Friday, April 8, 2011

My newest DS Game---Finally playing Final Fantasy III

This is one of those times where I'm not going to go in-depth about the history of a game...but I wanted to let everyone know what I'm interested in at the moment. My Pokemon high has been gone for some time, and while in Disc Replay the other day with Taz (and her brother Marchello), we had some in-store credits that we decided to blow.
Taz got this vocabulary game...and as for me I picked out Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS.

All of my friends know that I am a Final Fantasy nerd...merchandise, video games, strategy doesn't matter, I will collect anything. Naturally, I am not a big fan of the old-school games with the pixel fighters and all those professions and what-not. Plus, all the story lines seem remotely the same all the way up until Final Fantasy 7---but hey, beggars cannot be choosers, right?

The storyline revolves around the world falling into Darkness and the discovery of the crystals...same as all the old Final Fantasy tales. And instead of having different characters with different specialities and talents, you instead give your character a profession or 'job' which you level them up in. Jobs range from: Warrior, Knight, Dark Knight, Monk, Blackbelt, Ranger, Evoker, Summoner, Black Mage, White Mage, Magus, Adept, Sage, Scholar, Bard, Ranger, Dragoon, Geomancer, Red Mage, and etc.
You have to choose your classes wisely to progress through the game.

I haven't played that much into it...but so far, it's pretty basic. You move from town-to-town, acquire vessels which can transport you over water, over the mountains, and etc. You fly around from city-to-city and complete quests to advance through your storyline...and you try not to die.

For the DS...the game has been redone with new 3D character and area graphics, and the battle system is also 3D as well. The music score is similar to the older games, but that isn't a problem. And there is nothing advanced that has to be done using the touch screen which is good. I don't know...we will see what happens.

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