Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gameboy Advance---Antique Item?

I was in Gamestop the other day with my roommate, and we were checking out the clearance section, trying to find her a game that might keep her entertained on those days where she is home alone...
Well, while we were looking through the selection, the TV in their building was discussing some new games and what-not, when they began discussing the new Nintendo 3DS.

The Nintendo 3DS is replacing all the Nintendo handheld systems such as the Gameboy Advance and the original DS, with a whole new line-up of games which are in complete 3D---its basically Nintendo's version of the PSP.But, because it is so advanced, Gamestop would only be accepting trade-ins with Gameboy Advance games until the beginning of April 2011, because once the Nintendo 3DS came out, then the Gameboy Advance would be nothing more than an antique item.

It's a sad thing really...because I remember the days when the Gameboy Advance was the cool & hip new thing that everyone had to have! And now, without an original DS or DS Lite, you cannot even play Gameboy Advance games.
On top of that, once the Nintendo 3DS comes out, you won't be able to play any of the new 3DS games without purchasing a brand-new 3DS which is going to be at least 200-300 dollars.

Technology is moving at such a rapid rate, it just blows me away...the things they keep coming out with. But sooner or later, people won't be able to afford all the new systems that are coming out, and will be forced to buy the older games (which is what I basically have to do now). Hell, I just got a PS3 not too long ago, and I'm only borrowing it for the time being!
Now all my favorite games for the DS will be coming out for the 3DS and I wont even be able to play them *pout*

But yeah...the whole 'antique'-thing with the Gameboy Advance just made me feel kinda old 'tis all.
Now I know how my parents feel when they are watching VHS and the commercials on TV are talking about all the new movies and gear for Blu-Ray players. Ungh...

Well, lets end this with a funny picture I found on the internet shall we?


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