Thursday, March 24, 2011

W.o.W --- Going to the Darkside.

So I posted a blog awhile back (on December 14th of 2010 to be exact) in an older blog, and I thought it would be funny to put it up in my Gamer blog because it has to do with World of Warcraft---
I will be doing this with a few other blogs that I have scrounged up from older accounts…so bear with me here.
This is what I had to say back then:

“I know that I tend to make things sound a lot worse than they actually are, but you really have to know where I am coming from to understand. Gaming is a HUGE part of my life. It was because of games like Guild Wars, Bright shadow, and AION that I got through some of the toughest parts of my life.
Games inspire me to do any number of things from drawing, to writing massive novels and/or fan fictions (usually the latter)...
But out of all the games that I have played, I swore that I would NEVER in my life, EVER play
World of Warcraft
So basically, I have said many times that I would never do something, and sure enough I go and do it. I swore that I would never again play Runescape (after that terrible incident with me getting killed by an NPC---thinking that it was another player. For my defense I was only 12-13 at the time), but after they cancelled Bright Shadow and my Mabinogi refused to work, I decided to give the game another shot.
Incidentally, they had a tutorial now which helped a lot...but the game was still boring and so I had to let it go. a major fan of Guild Wars, World of Warcraft was my sworn enemy. For the longest time, I just could not see myself paying every month to play a game, especially when I had just dished out 20 bucks for the game in the first place! You know what I mean?
Then I got AION and it turned out that the game  had additional fees. I did not play that game for almost 2 years...but finally I decided to try it, and was hooked. When I couldn’t pay for it any longer, I let it go and called it a day.

Well, when it came to ex's family all plays the game. They are part of a Guild called "House of Dragons" and they fight for the Alliance. Well, my ex's mother wanted me to try the game so that I could start playing with the rest of the family, and it was just recently that I decided to do the 10-day-free-trial. I have been playing for 5 days now and have already gotten to lv.15....and while I'm not too fond of some of the graphics, and the controls still get on my nerves, I must say that I'm getting pretty hooked on this game as I get more used to it.
So for Christmas I’m getting the full game and the first expansion "The burning crusade". My BFF says that I'm betraying Guild Wars, but really, there is nothing else to do on that game. So many people have stopped playing it, and I really can't do the rest of the quests without help. The expansion is great, but I cannot do any of the special events because I missed the War in what's the point?

I can sit there and make as many new characters as I want, but really, nothing changes. At least on Warcraft I have different races I can choose from (and can follow different storylines)...and there are so many things to do, to see, and to learn! I'm not saying that WoW is my new Crack, because GW will always be my safe haven...but I’m enjoying the new experience.
Now I am finally no better than anyone else I know...yup...I've gone to the dark side.”

Obviously my views have changed somewhat since then. My game-time may have run out on Feb.25th of 2011, but I have been pleased with my W.o.W experience. As I said in an earlier blog, I play as both Horde and Alliance, but swing more for the Alliance
Instead of just getting the first expansion to the game, Taz’s family ended up putting their money together, and I got all 4 games for a total of 100 dollars! I have been a junkie since. After getting bored with my main quests, I ended traveling to Stormwind…
…and while I was still a newb on that game, I was ashamed to know that I had equipped my warrior with skinning and leatherworking instead of mining and blacksmithing. So I changed that. So obviously I have improved.

But yeah…just thought you guys might like the flash back into my past!!!

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