Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pokemon---How old is too old?

Yesterday (March 6th 2011) marked the release of the newest Pokemon games for the Nintendo DS (Pokemon White/Black versions). So I thought I might take a little about these popular games:

The first generation of Pokemon games were Red and Blue versions --for the Gameboy-- which were released on September 30th of 1998 (for those of you who dont want to do the math, I was only seven years old at that time). Yellow came around some time later as a special Pikachu edition, going more off of the anime than the original RPG storyline...but we are not going into that.
The first generation of Pokemon introduced 151 monsters...staring with #001 Bulbasaur and Ending with Mew

The second generation of Pokemon was with the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver versions for the Gameboy color--- which introduced another 100 Pokemon, starting with Chikorita, and ending with Celebi. ---Crystal version was later dubbed the Suicune Edition of this Gen.

Third Generation started with the Ruby and Sapphire versions for the Gameboy Advance (later followed by Emerald). Again, they introduced another 135 Pokemon to the mix, starting with Treecko and ending with Deoxys.

They then started with the remakes of the first generation, going with Fire Red and Leaf Green editions for the Gameboy Advance. They were trying to mimick the original releases in Japan by leaving out the blue.

Fourth Generation erupted with the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS with another 107 NEW Pokemon---starting with Turtwig and ending with Arceus. ---Platinum was then released as the third edition to the fourth generation.

Then came the remakes of the second generation games as they released the brand-new HeartGold and SoulSilver versions for the Nintendo DS. This took a spin off of the original Gold and Silver versions with some bits and pieces from Crystal added into the mix.
But instead being limited to the original 250 Pokemon like the older games, this one allowed for a more expanded Pokedex, reaching all the way into Platinum versions.

Now we are on the fifth generation with the new Black/White versions, also for the Nintendo DS...with a wopping 156 NEW Pokemon to catch and train (starting with Snivey and ending with Victini).

  • My Problem with the New Games/Versions---
Truthfully, I had stopped playing Pokemon after Ruby version because money was tight, and I did not have the 40 dollars to go out and buy Platinum when it was released. Also, I had strayed away from my handheld consols at the time and the excuse list goes on-and-on.
What really got me back into Pokemon was when Nintendo re-created the second generation and released HeartGold. Gold Version had always been my favorite game (Typhlosion being my favorite Pokemon FYI), so this new version with new graphics was a must-have for my collection. Sadly, my Mother told me she would not get it for me when it was released around my birthday. But, lucky for me, I had an amazing friend who would do anything for me, and he went out of his way to buy the game for me ^.^ what a sweety.

*cough* Sorry...I am off track.

So, now that I am older and living out on my own, I treated myself to an early birthday present by reserving Pokemon White Version for the Nintendo DS. I was thrilled at first (when reserving the game), but once I got home and started researching it, and even now (after having played it for about 4-5 hours), I am having many mixed feelings about it.
Here is a list of things that I LIKE about the game:
  1. The 3D towns are amazing
  2. The Pokemon Cinimatics during battle offer deeper gameplay experience.
  3. More intense and fast-paced battle simulations.
  4. The Seasons change---
  5. Each Gym offers new puzzles in order to get to the Gym Leader.
  6. You cannot jump from town-to-town without getting the required badge.
But that's about it so far...
But there are many things that I do NOT like about the game:
  1. All the new Pokemon look pretty stupid.
  2. I hate the names.
  3. Leveling up is ten times harder than it used to be.
  4. The Pokemon no longer follow you around.
  5. The menu is no longer on the touch screen.
  6. You are only limited to the 156 NEW Pokemon in Unova Region until you beat the game.
  7. The Legendaries Suck...fat guys in clouds? Really?
  8. It takes so long in order to challenge a gym because of some mini-event. Can't it wait?
  9. You can only catch 1 Dragon Legendary in each version gives me Zekrom the black dragon, so I will never be able to catch Reshiram...someone has to trade it to me.
  10. Too many cool things rely on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connections.
  11. No Headbutting the Trees anymore... maybe I am being a little bitter, but I must admit that I am picky when it comes to Pokemon. I myself am a Fire-Fiend Trainer...meaning I always choose Fire as my starter. The only exceptions I ever made was for Blue Version and that's only because I had a Charizard in my Red Version. Same when it came to my Silver Version (before it got stolen).
But I have always been for the Fire. I started with Charmander first gen, Cynaquil on the second gen, Torchic on the third gen, Chimchar on the fourth gen...
...but now on the fifth gen, the Fire starter Tepig comes off  as so pathetic and ugly to me, that I was somewhat forced to go with Oshawott the water-pokemon! Blasphemy!!!
Actually...its not too bad, I just wanted to be over-dramatic for a moment, but I was really repulsed by Tepig and its evolutions. So either way, it had me bummed to suddenly switch up my elements like that. So there is my rant for that...

  • So How old is too old?
I am going to be 20-years-old on March 19th 2011, and I have been playing Pokemon for over 13 years now. I watched the cartoons, collected the dolls and merchandise, and even have an original electronic Pokedex from Toys 'R Us.
But seriously people, how old is too old?
I know people that are older than I am...entering their thirties who are still interested in and are playing Pokemon. In fact, when picking up my game (while I was at work), my friend noticed a bunch of adults (that were not with children mind you) picking up the game with their DS' in hand. I find that, if you enjoy something, then there is no reason why you should not continue doing what you love...but that's just me.
So tell me your honest opinion. How do you feel on this matter?

  • My recomendations for a better Pokemon game:
It would take a lot of memory and a lot of work. It would also have to probably be on something a little more powerful than a handheld device...but here are just a few things that I would like to see a Pokemon game have:
  1. A national Pokedex of every Pokemon up to date!
  2. A way to travel to every region and catch the pokemon of that region so that you are not always needing to trade.
  3. Night and Day...Change of Seasons. Make it as realistic as you can!
  4. Multiple game least give us 3. that way we can try all the starter Pokemon and choose which one we like to use best! (plus it helps fan fiction writers like me ^^).
  5. Bring back the Pokemon contests like Ruby! (I love those things).
  6. And keep the idea where your pokemon follow you around, that was great!
I will probably think of more later. But that's all for now...

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